Monday, November 30, 2015

#Digestive Enzymatrix: Complete Digestive Enzyme System review

This is a great supplement to have on hand because you never know when you're going to need it. I bring it with me whenever I go out for my kids and husband who tend to have even less self-control when eating out, especially at the all you can eat type places. If I know in advance that the meal they will have is going to contain lots of carbs and fat, and/or protein, I always sneak this little pill in them before they eat. There is only 1 drawback - they get a false sense of security when taking this supplement because they don't experience the usual negative side-effects of heavy foods and really step it up with the garlic bread, pizza, nachos, and wings next time they go out. This supplement contains a wide range of beneficial enzymes, plus bromelian and papaiyan - those are very beneficial on so many different levels. For some people the extra enzymes can add access bloating, however, in my experience if you balance it with a good probiotic to create a healthy environment in your gut, the bloating will go away within days and they enzymes will be doing their job nicely. This Thanksgiving, my husband tried the stuffing I made, and said, "Hon, give me that 'stuff yourself all you want' pill to take before I start". That was the biggest compliment he could've given me about the food, because he knew he was going to overeat because it tasted too good to limit yourself. A friend of mine was complaining about stomach issues, and I bought a second bottle to give him to try. He told me that after a few days of taking it his acid reflux seemed to be much less. Again, this is just my personal experience, everyone else's experience is different and depends on so many other elements of diet and lifestyle.

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